Final results for YO-DX-HF 2024
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A big hug from Romania . Many thanks for your participation in YO-DX-HF Contest 2024
2024 Pool
How did you hear about YO DX HF Contest ?
This chart is based on responses from word wide operators and it is as accurate as it can be !

From contest calendar
From email campaign
From previous edition
From other amateurs
From YODX.RO website
From QRZ.COM website
F.R.R. HF contest team has the honor to invite you to participate in the YODX HF Contest to contact as many Romanian and other amateurs radio as possible in order to gain experience and competitive background as well.
2024 prize for best score under 18 yrs old, SOAB MIXED,YN Low power
Code lines
Programming languages
Fetchmail parser processor
Code bugs fixed
YODX synthetic chart based on participation detected from log files

2023 plaques sent by F.R.R. and YO Friends
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
Congratulations !
Accordion content goes here!
Congratulations !
New database with
filtering results
2023 brought novelties as SQL queries for result filtering. A custom collection of PHP, HTML, Python3.xx and + Pearl custom code, made this website what it is right now !
Real time
received logs
Real time is hard to quantify ! In my case, for 2023 I will use my own server with linux Fetchmail and Procmail to read and download all messages received by account. Once read and processed, they will get into a queue list being marked as READ and extracting MIME's from it's content. Once Mime got extracted, will look for callsign in each header, append it to a log file and upload it via FTP BASH scripts in such way that will bypass Chrome caching by using timestamp AJAX query straight into website ! Work in progress...
Best regards,
Gabriel YO8RXP
Software as a service - SAAS
F.R.R. acknowledges the power of software, willing too look for Romanian custom solutions for a complete contest evaluation software ! Any help will be appreciated, rewarded and used as it should be !
Media content
as a service
As we all know that a good picture or video can be more powerful than a thousand words, a new strategy has been developed to use 2023 new digital tools as
Any country DX contest is useless without local operators !
YODX is a contest to promote ham spirit, trust,
people being united by radio waves and more.
With this in mind, F.R.R. is kindly asking all romanian operators to let go any bad thoughts, hatred, and come together making YODX great again !
Please remember , always 1+1=3 !

Artificial intelligence
As many of us do not share the love for such tools, F.R.R. is willing to explore it by kindly asking and making use of romanian young talents.
Video content with that pretty woman(it) was actually made using artificial intelligence !
Media creation tools
Without good and quality paid software, just using Paint cannot produce a good quality media file. F.R.R. is comited to raise funds for such tools.

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- +40 21 315 5575
- RO29RNCB0082044164610004 – BCR